Ubuntu is a well known Linux operating system that everyone want to have. because of it is free but because of the stability, light, and the most important is, Ubuntu does not need any extra security software to protect you from viruses or bad hackers. The architecture of itself has made it safe from the attacks.
If you are the Ubuntu user and at the same time use Windows XP on your PC, now you can use the Human theme (the default Ubuntu theme) in Windows XP. I have two operating systems in my PC, Ubuntu and Windows XP. I really like to use the Human theme in my Windows XP and found the way on how to make your Windows XP looks like Ubuntu. Here is how to do it.
- Download the Icon Tweaker, Human for Windows package, and Ubuntu IconPackager Set.
- Extract the Human folder from Human for Windows package to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\
- Open the Cursors folder and right-click the Install.inf and choose Install. This will install the cursor set to your Windows.
- Now, double click Human.msstyles, and click apply to accept the Human theme. Now your Windows XP, is already has the Ubuntu theme but what we need now is the icon set.
- Install Icon Tweaker and extract the Ubuntu IconPackager Set.
- Inside the Ubuntu IconPackager Set, open the Icontweaker folder and double click Human.ita file to install the icon set.
- In IconTweaker, choose Human and click Load Theme.
- Lastly, click Apply to accept the changes and your Windows XP icons will change to Ubuntu Human icon set.
I think KDE theme is better than Ubuntu ๐
Why eh?
aku dah cuba banyak kali
tapi takleh.. ๐
nak kena “sedang pakai UBUNTU & WINDOWS” je ke baru bleh guna theme ni??
kena ada windows blind ke? uhukz.. aku tarak tau..
lol this is great.i’m using windows along with ubuntu inside my comp by using wubi..and i think ubuntu human being theme is cool..lol..
#Ikoko – Nope. It can works without Ubuntu. Just follow the instructions. ๐
thank you! i just love this theme ๐ i even tried to use it on M$ Vista, but it not allowed me to use whole theme, so i used just a cursors. since i found this theme few yeaars ago, i can’t stand M$ cursors ๐ tnx for your great job! ๐
Ikoko – Kene patch dulu file uxtheme.dll
file die boleh didapati di http://www.llbbl.com/2006/06/09/uxtheme-50/
Jika guna win xp sp2, mmg akan ada masalah ni..
Style Human xde klua dalam list..
1. Install patch tu dulu
2. Pastikan anda TIDAK restore original file jika diberi warning.
3. Restart PC
4. Pasang Human Styles..
http://www.icontweaker.com/ doesn’t load
if someone got the app please upload to rapidshare.com and give the the link, tkz
I have tried many ways to do that on my computer. This one was the easiest and with the best result…thanks. ๐
korang kne download Uxtheme Patch dlu…..
Great theme, I’ve searched the web for endless days for a theme such as this for my new (used) IBM ThinkPad.
I even checked out the thousands of WindowBlind themes by StarDock with no success, and then out of the blue I stumble upon this Ubuntu for Windows theme, could’nt be better, I just love the flat style.
My thanks to the Author.