Want to get free of charge Ubuntu CDs. Click here: https://shipit.ubuntu.com But you need to have Launchpad account first before you can login and proceed with your request. I have requested 5 CDs. My friend told me that I will get the CDs in 2 months. So I have to wait… Urgh! Btw he requested 100 CDs. I don’t know what he wants to do with all of the CDs.
:)>- i ordered ’10’ 32bit and ‘5’ 64bit cds on september and i hv received those shipment last week.trust me, they really do deliver those cd.
btw, i wonder what u goin to do with 100 cd.\:d/\:d/\:d/
hey! thanks for visiting my site. 😀
yea my friend have got his CDs a few days ago and he asked me to get it for free if I want. well, if I have 100 CDs maybe I will just keep it in my CDs rack as a collection. lol…