In our daily life, Internet is so important. We use the internet to check our emails, login into our online bank account, login to Paypal, check your feed news, and many more. Each of the website requires you to enter your username and password before you can use the services provided. One of the good methods to secure your accounts is to use different password for each account you have. But, the problem to human being is, some of them can’t remember all the passwords they use.
So, is there has any method or software that can helps us to remember all the passwords? Firefox has the feature to remember the password we entered and we only need to remember the master password. But, how about if we want to login from someone PC? Like your friend’s PC for example. Your passwords are stored in your PC and not in your friend’s PC. So, how can you login to your account if you can’t remember the password? And even if you remember the password, are you sure your friend’s PC is safe? No keylogger installed?
RoboForm splash screen
RoboForm is the software that can helps you to remember your passwords. But, I had to tell you first, this software is not free. You have to pay for it but believe me, this software is really cool and helps me a lot. It is so efficient but has one tiny problem. I will discuss the problem at the end of this post.
What is RoboForm?
So, what is RoboForm? RoboForm is a software developed by Siber Systems Inc that you can install into your USB pendrive and can bring along the software where ever you go. This software can keep all your passwords, your information details and generates passwords for you. So you don’t have to remember all the passwords (or passcards in RoboForm). The only password that you need to remember is the master password which you have setup upon the installation. This master password holds every passcards that you have saved. Without the master password, you will lose your passwords forever.
RoboForm toolbar
After RoboForm is installed into your USB pendrive, RoboForm will attach its toolbar into your Firefox and IE. Currently, RoboForm does not support Opera. So to Opera users, you have to wait until the next version is release. Anyway, the toolbar is not permanent. When you removed your USB pendrive from your PC, the toolbar will also be gone. Some people don’t like too many toolbars in their browser. So for those people, you do not need to worry about it.
Remember Password
When ever you click on the Submit button to login to a website for example, to a forum, RoboForm will popup in the middle screen asking you whether you want to store the password into RoboForm or not. If you click Save, RoboForm will remember your password and named the saved password with the website domain name. So, the next time when you want to login to the forum, you just click on the domain name at the RoboForm toolbar and RoboForm will enter the login information for you.
Form Fill In
Another great feature in RoboForm is it able to keep our personal information. Usually, when we want to register to a website, we are required to enter all the details like our full name, address, phone number, etc. To fill in all the fields takes time. But with RoboForm, we can fill in the form with just one click.
But first, you need to fill in all the details needed in RoboForm. RoboForm will warn you when you are filling in sensitive information like credit cards and bank numbers. And then, when you want to fill in a registration form, just choose which identity that you want to use for the registration. RoboForm will enter all the details for you. You just sit back and click the Submit button after you are sure that all the information given are correct.
Generate Password
Some people like to use very complex with many characters combination in their password. This kind of password is very difficult to guess which provides good security to your login account. Before this, I have wrote an article about how to create strong passwords by using password chart. Take a look at the article and hope you found it useful.
In RoboForm, you can generate complex passwords by using its password generator. Because RoboForm is able to remember all the passwords given no matter how long or how difficult it is, this password generator is useful and I think it is a good integration with RoboForm. You can generate complex password and ask RoboForm to remember it. So the next time when you want to use the password, just ask the RoboForm to fill in the password form for you. It knows what to do.
Defeats Keylogger
RoboForm does not punch the keyboard to enter the password for you. So your passwords are safe from keyloggers. Keyloggers only detect every key that you type from your keyboard. Because RoboForm does not typing from the keyboard, so don’t feel afraid to use RoboForm in public PCs like in CyberCafe or libraries.
And you also don’t have to feel unsecure if using your friend’s PC to check your email for example. Who knows, maybe your friend installed keylogger to get your email password. Well, you know what he or she can do with your password, don’t you?
The Problem
Ok now, I want to discuss about the problem in RoboForm. As I mentioned earlier, RoboForm can be installed in USB pendrive and I am sure most of the users will install RoboForm in the pendrive because of its portability. Although our passwords and the master password is secure because RoboForm uses strong encryption, but how about if we, accidently formatted our pendrive?
It sounds scary right? All our passwords including the complex passwords are inside the USB pendrive. If we accidently formatted the pendrive, ALL the passwords will be gone. That is the tiny problem that I found. Unless, you always do routine backup, this problem can be ignored.
Siber Systems Inc has another software that counter this problem. This software can synchronize data between your USB pendrive with your PC. They called it as GoodSync. This software can be used to keep a backup copy of your pendrive data into your PC. So even you accidently formatted your pendrive, your passwords are still safe in your PC. But right now, I don’t have opportunities to test the software. But if I do, I will write a review about the software.
Final Words
RoboForm is not freeware. It costs you USD29.95 for one license. I got this software for free and that is why I got the chance to write this review. In my opinion, RoboForm is so useful not just because it can keeps your passwords, but it is also portable. You can bring your passwords anywhere as long as your USB pendrive is with you. For more information, please visit RoboForm website.
I haven’t actually used any alternatives. I use the built-in feature of Firefox to remember usernames and passwords. I’ll give this one a try.
I actually love the RoboForm software myself. I use it all of the time and it takes all the menial everyday tasks that I have to perform on my computer daily and shortens them extremely! What once took me fifteen minutes to complete now takes me only one second because RoboForm does the same task with just one click. In fact I wrote a FREE Report about a lot of RoboFormโs capabilities for use that arenโt even touched on in the Userโs Manual for RoboForm. You can get that Free Report here:!.html
Seems useful but wouldn’t you actually have to leave it plugged in all the time if you want to store your new passwords on it?
This comment is in reply to FaceBook Babes. It actually is plugged in all the time because RobForm is a toolbar that attaches to your web browser. So I guess you can say that it is plugged in all of the time. If you go to that link that I have in my earlier post
(!.html )
you can see a video that shows you just how RoboForm works. The video is only 5 minutes long but very informative about RoboForm.
bro..i wanna ask u if there is any possibility that the password stored by this ‘useful’ programme get hack?
In my opinion no because the hacker would have to be on your computer in order to hack it. They can’t do it from a remote position. Plus your password can be almost as long as you want it. In other words this isn’t a 5 character pass word. In fact RoboForm makes your computer more secure against ‘keloggers’ and ‘phishers’. Check out my free report, it explains a lot about RoboForm. You can get it here:!.html
Hope this helped!
Omarra Byrd
#Facebook Babes – Yup! You need to plug your USB pendrive if you want to save new password or use the saved passwords.
#syam – RoboForm uses AES algorithm. See here for more information.
#Omarra Byrd – Thanks for helping me answer the comments. ๐
Very nice tool but I think the free version limits you to a certain amount of passwords that it can remember, am I correct?
firefox portable ( just in case your windows / linux crushes )
and use remember password ๐
#Syahid – I guess you mean the trial version.
#bluEyez – Heh! But is it secure?
Omarra Byrd,
thanz for reply my comment. very useful info bro.
Not a problem brother, just glad that I was able to help!
๐ just few days ago I could not remember my password to paypal and my school site ๐ I tried everything what could came on my mind in the time I chose those passwords ๐ I had them in my browser, but anyway, I wanted to know what those passwords are. But I would rather keep them in my head than buy such a software… It is cheaper ๐ and it improves your memory ๐ when I was younger and we had no mobile phones, I remembered more telephone numbers and I could remember things better too… somehow these “helping” things may harm to your brain too… and I do not mean only this program…
is ok for personal use
what is really secure in this world ?
#CypherHackz – Heh! But is it secure?
Heh! Actually there is nothing secure in real world.