If you noticed, there is an ad displaying under Marketplace on my sidebar. This ad is served by Nuffnang – Asia’s First Blog Advertising Community.
I’m so excited to write a review after I checked my earnings today. For the last week, I have make almost RM50. Ha3. This means, it is RM50 more to go to get my first check from Nuffnang. What? You don’t believe what I said? Click the thumbnail below.
Why I said “easy way to earn money� Because all you have to do is just register, place the code and start earning money when advertisers put their ads on your site. There is nothing much to do, right? Besides, Nuffnang will find the advertisers to you. So, you just sit back and drink coffee and see the money ‘marching’ into your pocket.
The earnings that you will get is depends on the number of your average unique visitors you received in the week before your ad campaign is served. The more visitors you have, the more money you can make. For more information, check out the Blogger FAQ.
So, what are you waiting for? Register now and start monetize your websites today![tags]nuffnang, make money online[/tags]
I just visit nuffnang website..i wondering one of their TOS (correct me if i’m wrong) “sign up with us if your blog has at least 20 unique visit daily”. i think my blog not reach to 20 unique visit daily this mean i need to improve my site and generate more traffic to my site.
i still confius with the payment.. how does the pay being count? is it from click on the ads or on how many it being viewed? i got around +/-450 unique visitors a day
i see no money comin in heheh 😛 … btw i just put it 2 days huhuhu!!
Wow, that is much money you get compared to what I received from nuffnang. It is important to get many traffic, many traffic mean more money
good for you there. mine only make 1.40 so far and I doubt if I would ever reach RM100 at the end of next year ! lol
[Comment ID #39878 Will Be Quoted Here]
i think so because in the registration process you must agree that your site have 20 unique visitors or more.
[Comment ID #39896 Will Be Quoted Here]
i have visited your site and check the blue image on your site is nuffnang banner not nuffnang advertiser’s ad. you will only earn money once advertisers put their ads on your site.
[Comment ID #39898 Will Be Quoted Here]
totally agree. if your site have more traffics, more money you will get. 🙂
[Comment ID #40003 Will Be Quoted Here]
lol… just focus on your content and traffics will come. 🙂
Hi Cypher,
Thank you so much for the mention and your very kind words.
This is just the beginning… in time to come, Nuffnang will have a consistent and constant flow of ads on most if not all our blogs then all you literally have to do is sit back and relax.
We’ll actually be sending out our first cheques at the end of this month so stayed tuned for that.
Once again, thank you so much for the mention.
-Timothy Tiah of Nuffnang
no problem. i’m wishing you and nuffnang good luck. 🙂
Camana nak buat supaya advertiser letak advertistment instead of nuffnang banner ad?
bergantung pada advertiser samada dia akan letakkan ad tu atau tak. segalanya diuruskan oleh nuffnang sendiri.
i just signed up too. like 2 days ago. It’s normal for nuffnang to display its own banner first. This is for evaluation purpose. After they gathered enough information. You’ll get your first banner.
Btw, cypher, i wonder how many unique visitors you have in one week? I’m just curious :d
lambatnyee nak kluar adss 😀 tak saba saba
my site have around 5K to 6K visitors weekly. 🙂
akunyer baru rm22.90 seminggu dapat rm7 lebih.. :((
hu3. kau kene tingkatkan visitors. caranya adalah melalui menulis dengan berterusan.
Do we have to be a resident of Malaysia??
hi, thanks for the info. before this i always has been skeptical to nuffnang. Now i just waiting you to get first check. Go go cyperhackz :)>-
aku nyer baru beberapa jer..tak cecah 50 pun.. :((
bro, first time leave a comment for you. Nuffang also got provide contest for the Pirates Movie ticket show ler, you go and have a look at their blog. All the best ya!
[Comment ID #40990 Will Be Quoted Here]
i don’t think so. i think nuffnang is open to all.
[Comment ID #42022 Will Be Quoted Here]
lol… thanks! and good luck to you!
[Comment ID #42445 Will Be Quoted Here]
lol… rileks… lama2 nanti sampai la RM100.
[Comment ID #42903 Will Be Quoted Here]
owh…thank you! good luck to you too. 🙂
Ahh, another complimentary post to Nuffnang. Congrats Tim.
bro.. where is your nuffnang ads.. x nampak pun
I’ve removed mine after no ads is shown in more than a week, and it slows down my loading speed a lot.
[Comment ID #43429 Will Be Quoted Here]
you can see it under Marketplace on my sidebar dude. :d
[Comment ID #43447 Will Be Quoted Here]
yeah. totally agree with you. it really increase my load time speed.
There is no doubt Naffnang works. But the question everybody needs to know before you sign up with Naffnang is :- how much unique visitors does one need to make real money off NaffNang.. Since you say you have 5k to 6k unique visitors a week and you can only make $50.. thats a sad fact for people like me who have only 400 unique visitors a month! So I dont think Im gonna even gonna bother sign up with Naffnang until I can gather more hits.
And gathering more hits means more updates on my blog, and more updates means more time. I think I just have to stick to my day job. hehehe. There goes my online money makin dreams.
Thanks for sharing your unique hits cause theres some bloggers out there would prefer to keep theirs a secret. Can I know how much you are making from other ad system like text links or adsense etc. in a month?
mine just 25 cent
Does anyone here know how to earn from Youtube???
It has been amazing to grow any business on the Internet, I need to market strategically to my customers, using a range for tools from content sharing to email marketing, search engine optimization, co-branding, ad buys, and more, to reach your target audience.
I hardly see advertisers putting their ads on my Nuffnang. Not that there isn’t any, but 90% of the time its just the banner being shown.
Putting that aside, great post!
I am new to Nuffnang. Shocked when I found out that I need to have 5-6K unique visitors only to be able to earn RM50? IS that so? I had Adsense for few years, and not earn much. less than USD5. Really bad haha..
I think, in the end companies like Nuffnang and Adsense gained from our sites.
hey, i received 200+ unique views per day. but why didnt i earn any? 🙁 waited for so long but i earn ntg.
btw,is unique views and traffics the same?