If you want to make more money and profit from your affiliate links, you need to display them in different way. Don’t use the default link generated by your affiliate program script. Instead, hide it by using PHP file. [tags]php, html, affiliate tips[/tags]
I hid all my affiliate links in PHP file. You can see those links on my sidebar, under Featured Sites (Get Free $25USD, RM100 Advertlets Contest, Earn More Money ). Since the affiliate links are hidden, my earning from affiliate programs increase.
To create the PHP file is simple. I use Text Link Ads affiliate link for this example. Open your Notepad and paste this code.
<?php header(“location: http://www.text-link-ads.com/?ref=20378”); ?>
Next what you need to do is save it with .php extension and upload it to your server. I saved that file as tla.php and uploaded it to my /register/ folder on my site.
When each time I make a post about Text Link Ads or when I mention Text Link Ads in my post, I will include this hidden affiliate link by using this link. With the word ‘register’ in the URL, it will convince the readers to click and register to Text Link Ads. If they get approved by Text Link Ads, you will get $25USD credited into your account.
I personally do not recommend people to use tinyurl or any shorten url services to hide their affiliate links because it use their domain and not convincing people. If I found a hidden link or the author use hidden link in his or her posts, I will not click it. I just skip the link and continue reading.
Other Alternative
If your hosting does not support PHP, you can use HTML file to hide the affiliate links. Here is the HTML code that you need to copy and save it with .html extension.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”>
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<meta http-equiv=”REFRESH” content= “0;url=http://www.text-link-ads.com/?ref=20378”></HEAD>
Please wait…
The process is same like you hide the affiliate link in PHP but this time you use a HTML file. Upload the file and type in the HTML address when you want to use it. It is really simple.
Owh…if you have any other methods, you can share with us in the comment form below. I hope this article is useful. 🙂
Maria says
Hmmm… thanks for the tip. With this I can make more money from affiliates, right? Haha.
Hinching says
Another much easier way is hosting your own Tiny URL service on your own server. For example — Shorty. It allows you to change your entire affiliate link to yourdomain.com/affliatelink. You can also track the number of times people click on those links as well.
CypherHackz says
[Comment ID #50695 Will Be Quoted Here]
i can’t promise you but it works for me. :d
[Comment ID #50699 Will Be Quoted Here]
useful! i will try it later. thanks for sharing it with us. 🙂
Fahmishah says
why i got error?
CypherHackz says
i think it is because the quotes in the above code. you cannot just copy the code because i use UTF-8 charset. he3.
Techie Buzz says
I created a custom php script that not only hides affliate links but also tracks how many click and view each affliate link or banner gets pretty useful for me till now.
CypherHackz says
that sounds cool. mind to share the script with us? :d
amirez says
how about if we’re using free blog which have no ftp account ? how to put that code into our free blog ?
Taufiq says
Lets me suggest another pretty genius way to obfuscate your referral url…
Put inline frame code like below anywhere on the page…
when the prospect reach your site you have immediately send them to the affiliate site trough iframe.
then you can promote the site home URL without any hesistation.
Patches and Hacks says
Now if you don’t want to write any php or html code and don’t want to create a file for each affiliate link you use and would like to manage all in one place in a nice web interface using AJAX in the wordpress admin you should try my new plugin that does just that. The plusing is free ( GPL ) and you can get if from here:
Craig says
The plot of the Taking a Chance on Love: The main heroine hesitates to take the next step with the man who she loves.
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rys says
where we get this one reference number from where. ?ref=20378
RAJ says
How to hide meta tag while competitor want to see from source code?
Damn says
Woww, that’s cool! great tricks that i have never thought before. using php and redirect function. I should have done it long time ago.
thanks for sharing