If you want to use Vista icons without installing Vista Customization Pack, maybe you want to try this method. [tags]vista, vista icons, icontweaker[/tags]
- Download and install IconTweaker. (Don’t worry. It is free. :d )
- Then, download Vista icon pack.
- Extract and double click the icon theme to install it.
- Once installed, click on Vista icon in IconTweaker and choose Load Theme.
- Finally, click Ok. Done!
There are two more icon packages available for download. Ubuntu and OSX. Try them too. ;))
Ahh…want to change your Windows XP cursors? Go here please, Vista Cursors for Windows XP. :d
Cypher: Actually, I don’t want to install Vista but I like its icons. :d
Hmm, interesting…shall give a look again after exam ๐
i really like vista icons i’m currently using. you better try them now. :d
Cool thanks, i was looking to get vista icons for my pc, i already have looney theme which makes my pc look like vista except for the missing icons.
i should try this icons..actually vista OS requirement very high why not try vista’s icon.?
Nice software man .
Funny.. I had already downloaded a Vista Skin and now to complete it with Vista Icons.. just beautiful. Thanx;)
[Comment ID #43785 Will Be Quoted Here]
nice… i still using crystal theme for my windows xp. don’t want to change it yet. he3.
[Comment ID #43799 Will Be Quoted Here]
you should try them now. coz it is really cool. i really like them. :)>-
[Comment ID #43912 Will Be Quoted Here]
yup! and it is free… :d
[Comment ID #43923 Will Be Quoted Here]
no problem. but, have you change your cursor to vista?
Alienware Icons are cooler! xP
do mind share with us where we can get the icons?
I actually got the skin/icon package. with my version you can pick if you just want the icon or the skin. I’m not sure if it’s the same with the newer versions.
Everything is backed up and you can revert it if you want at anytime I believe..
Beautiful tutorial! Works perfect. Thanks a lot. ๐
sure. no problem. thank you. ๐
Nice article!
The links seems to be broken could you give new links
or send them.
the links no longer works for the vista icons pack!thx though
I downloaded vista icons but could not install it.
plz tell me how to install vista icons in windows xp
I have uploaded the icon pack on my googlepages. So you can download the pack now. Sorry for any inconvenience.
#srinivas – The instruction is on this post. ๐
This just completes the package, just last night……i downloaded A Vista Visual Style, that makes my taskbar look like Vista…taskbar [ without the transparent thingy ] .. So I downloaded Transbar.. a free software…. that adds transparency to your taskbar.. . Another program called YzShadow.exe just google this two softwares……Their both free.. It adds transparency to your startup menus & drop down menus….
And than to top it off with Vista Icons……My actually thought i downloaded Vista OS …HA HAHAHA HA LOL..
Thanks for the Vista icons packs
very good so good
how to delete comments??
if yes can you delete the comment i replied on please thank you
The vista icons r pretty good. How about putting it to the limit- getting some that moves, and some vista dialoge messages including logon\off ,transfer,confirm delete etc. , if its not too much to ask for. thanks:-D
Hi. The links for OSX and Ubuntu icons are dead. Any ideas? Thanks@
I am sorry. I don’t have the backup file. If not I can upload it to Goolgepages.
i tried to download the icontweaker but it says:
HTTP Error 404 – File or directory not found.
whats rong?
i liked very much
Very good!!!
I had already installed a vista theme. After this it really looked like vista. My Uncle asked me “When did I install Vista on my PC”