If you listen to musics while chatting with your friends, I guess you need this thing to show them how cool you are. b-)
Larkington’s Yahoo Messenger Winamp Plugin is a additional feature that will set your Yahoo! Messenger status message to the title of the song currently playing on your Winamp. There are also some other Winamp plugins which are working with the same concept but this plugin is better than the others. And I’m currently using it on my PC and this plugin works perfectly. <:-p But if you have created custom Yahoo! Messenger status message, you need to delete all the messages because, this plugin will rotate the messages instead of displaying the song currently playing on your Winamp. :-w To delete the custom messages, you need Yahoo! Messenger Status Edit.
Don’t wait any longer, download the plugin and be cool instantly! >:/ [tags]winamp, plugin, yahoo messenger[/tags]
menarik…tapi aku tak brape suka Winamp..lebih suka guna real player… :d
aku dulu suke gak gune realplayer, tapi skang dah tak dah. lebih prefer winamp coz ada plugin and theme.
Well, i like the idea but sad to see that it took them so long to follow on something that MS has been doing for quite some time now with messenger and media player…
Just my 2 cents and i don’t care much as I’m always on my Linux box ๐
[Comment ID #31710 Will Be Quoted Here]
so you mean that you are using media player to play mp3?
it doesn` t work on yahoo mesenger 9 beta …..do u have an update for it ?
I don't have the update right now because I'm using YM v8. ๐
Aku ada masalah ngan plugin ni.Mula2 aku insert plugin ni utk this particular YM id.But actually aku nk letak kat id YM yg satu lagi tp setting display ‘status messege’ pun jadi x betul.. Dh try uninstall the plugin then aku insert balik guna id YM yang aku prefer.But still x betul2 display ‘status msg’ tu. Hope anyone can help me yea. Thx!
it doesn` t work on yahoo mesenger 9 beta โฆ..do u have an update for it ?