Ever wanted to create your own Web 2.0 logo for your website? Try this Web 2.0 logo creator by Alex P. Not only it will create you the Web 2.0 logo, it also will host it on their site.
But to improve your site load-up, I recommended you to upload the logo in your website server because it will reduce the times needed to load the image. [tags]web 2.0, logo, web2.0 logo, logo creator[/tags]
cam menarik je…..
ai pakai theme lame balik ke
he3. aah. rasa windu ngan theme nih. lagi pun dah banyak dah yang aku edit dalam theme ni. so sayang nak tukar. :d
dulu pernah jumpe menda nie..tapi kalo pakai huuf yang ade ekor cam ‘g’ atau ‘y’, takleh nak pakai reflection sebab tak lawa…. ๐
better design sendiri kan kan. he3.
Guess what.. I used the Logo Creator for my dummy logo \:d/
thxfor d info..
i likeeeeee \:d/
[Comment ID #14965 Will Be Quoted Here]
he3. i saw it on your page. :d
[Comment ID #14972 Will Be Quoted Here]
sure. no problem. ๐
cmne nk logo sndiri?