We always use USB thumb drives or USB external drives as our portable storages. The size is small and lightweight make it easier for us to bring it anywhere we go. But, did you know, most of computer virus infections come from USB drives? I will tell you how the infection works in a few paragraphs later.
USB WriteProtector is a freeware software that can enable or disable the write function to USB through Windows registry. When you choose, “USB write protection ON”, USB WriteProtector will change the USB write value in registry to 0. When the write function is disabled, we cannot write anything such as paste, save, or create new files in our connected USB drives. To enable the USB write function, just choose “USB write protection OFF” to allow write access to our USB drives.
Ok now, how a virus can spread its infection? When you plug in your USB drive to an infected computer, the virus from the computer will copy itself into your USB drive and create autorun.inf file. This file will execute the virus inside your USB drive when you double-click the USB drive icon in My Computer. When the virus is triggered, it will infect your computer and will do the same infection to other connected USB drives.
With USB WriteProtector, you can block the write access to any USB drives. Before you connect a USB drive, make sure to “USB write protection ON” and then plug in your USB drive. If the computer contains a virus, it will unable to write itself to your USB drive because of write access is disabled. Then, when you want to copy or write a data into your USB drive, just turn off the write protection using USB WriteProtector and copy the data you want to your USB drive.
In my opinion, all cybercafe owners should install this tool in their computers to protect the customers’ USB drives from virus infections. But the problem is, how to teach the customer, or how to let them know about this tool before they can connect the USB drives to the computer?
Thanks for the software. Seriously, nowdays our computer is becoming very vulnerable to virus thanks to our portable storage drive. Sometimes, I even reject my friend for plugging in their usb drive to my computer. To solve the problem, I used Panda USB vaccine. It creates a dummy autorun file to prevent the file to create another autorun. Unlike USB Write Protector that protect your usb drive completely, Panda USB vaccine allows us to use the usb drive as usual without concerning viruses. 🙂
that is cool and super useful tool. thanks man.
Kit Kat – Thanks for the info bro. Will try out the Panda USB Vaccine.
Try this tool USB-Life : Harap dpt membantu bagi yg bukak CC
I’ve created small utility for protecting usb drives. It creates or modifies dummy file which takes all free space and there is no more space for viruses – http://code.google.com/p/usbdummyprotect/