Sometimes we accidentally close a tab in Firefox we didn’t mean to close. Instead of looking the website we want in the History, you can do this trick to reopen the last closed tab.
If you accidentally close a tab, you just need to press “Ctrl + Shift + T“. And the last closed tab will be reopened in your Firefox.
Try it. Open a new tab, close the tab and press “Ctrl + Shift + T”. Very helpful huh? :d
Edit: You also can open last closed tab from History > Recently Closed Tabs. Thanks to Izzat for this tip. ๐
gee.. thanks! very helpful;)
or you can click history tabs > recently closed tabs ๐
simply middle click in the empty part of the tab bar u will see ur recently closed tabs in the order it was closed.but i think it works if u have ‘tab clicking options’ extension installed.
Instead of using 3 buttons you can simply do this by pressing 2 buttons. Ctrl + F12 :d
[Comment ID #47144 Will Be Quoted Here]
Doesn’t work for me :\
[Comment ID #47137 Will Be Quoted Here]
you are welcome. :d
[Comment ID #47141 Will Be Quoted Here]
but there is no empty space in my firefox tab. /:)
[Comment ID #47144 Will Be Quoted Here]
doesn’t work for me too. :p
[Comment ID #47139 Will Be Quoted Here]
cool… thank you. ๐
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