After we format and re-install Windows to our PC, we need to install back all the drivers to make sure that our computer works smoothly. But to install all the drivers one by one is a pain. But thanks to Innovative Solutions for the solution they made.
DriverMax is new free program (get FREE registration code) that helps you to reinstall all drivers at once. No more searching for drivers or install drivers from CDs because all comes in one compressed file.
Before you format your PC, you just need to export all your drivers settings and files with DriverMax and DriverMax will save it in a compressed file. After you finish reinstalling your Windows, just import the file to install all the drivers.
With DriverMax, you also can display complete report of all your drivers installed in your computer. This is really useful if you want to analyze the differences between the drivers installed on different PCs.
DriverMax [via BlogIsEveryThing][tags]download, drivermax, windows, software, drivers[/tags]
Zairul says
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