I have using Rainlendar since early 2005 and I really like it features. And now, Rainlendar 2 has been released and ready to download.
For those who doesn’t know what is Rainlendar, Rainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that you can use to manage and organise your daily life with it. There are many skins and languages available for you to choose from and all of the skins are free.
Rainlendar is not only just a calendar, it also included with To-Do Lists and Events. So you can save any important tasks directly on your desktop. It is really useful.
For more info, you can visit Rainlendar site here or if you wish to download this useful software, you can get it from the download page.
Cypher: Although there are many major updates in this new version, but you can’t edit as much as you can like in the previous version. In previous version, you are free to edit the skin and the calendar settings and you also can edit the icon used in the calendar events. But I can’t find it in this latest version. 🙁 But anyway, I still like this software. :d [tags]rainlendar, rainlendar 2, software[/tags]
aku pakai actve desktop callendar…n ade org suke wallpaper callender..huhu…pakai je yg mane best…
aku gune samurize je.. bebas nak wat ape pun… kohkhokoh
[Comment ID #15026 Will Be Quoted Here]
dulu aku pakai gak wallpaper calender. tapi takleh nak set birthday. kalau nak set pun, kite edit setiap tahun. jenuh r… he3.
[Comment ID #15027 Will Be Quoted Here]
samurize aku pernah gune gak. tapi macam banyak sangat jek function de yang aku tak gune. so aku pun uninstall menatang tu. hu3.