It happen last Sunday when suddenly the server went down and I can’t get online. So sorry guys coz I’m not update this site.
Btw I got reports from my colleagues, Novatech and Azhar Ahmad that they can’t visit this website. So I investigate what’s going wrong. I tried to connect my site from one of my friend’s comp and this what I got.
After pooking around in Google. It caused by Bad Behaviour. Then I deactivate the plugin and now they can visit my site without any problems. Thanks to Mr Google. 😉 [tags]wordpress, plugin, bad behavior, 412 precondition[/tags]
kan da cakap… huhu! \:d/
dia detek sbg spammer sbb dia ingat aku pakei proxy open, tapi bila betul2 pakai proxy open dia tak block lak..mueskeskes
hu3. macih… macih… aku check kat internet rupe2nye memang masalah bad behavior. thanks coz bagitahu aku pasal bende nih.