I bought this keyboard a few days ago. For me, it is very stylish and tech design with silver colour (matching with my CPU). I bought it for only RM45 at Taman Universiti. The keys are all slim like laptop keyboards but the arrangement of the key are different from normal keyboard. Take a look at the pic. I hope you can see keys on the keyboard. And it is silent and looks cool with blue LED on it. :d
wah slim nyer!!! my keyboard also slim like laptop keyboard too but not same with u. its smaller than before coz I need a space to put a tablet wacom. 😀
*kene praktis awal2 coz lepas ni nak pakai laptop lak. 😛 ahaks.
huyoo….beli kat mane tu..kedai mane,,me salu beli kat kedai meadow system…kenal amoi tu…sem lepas je dah spek 3 kom kat sane…sumer kom org :d ..(amoi dia lawa tu,tapi,skang holiday kat CHINA..sanggup tinggalkan aku kesorangan kat sini :(( )
huhu,…xseswai nk maen games..nnt cepat rossak..tau..
nice keyboard. Looks futuristic. :p
wah…lawa btol!:x
He3. Dulu dah penah beli keyboard slim camni. Tapi dah rosak. Tak tahu nape. Isk3.
Aku beli kat Century. Medow System tu kat mana ek? Tak perasan plak aku.
Hak3. Kau gi kedai tu coz amoi die je ke? Hah? Hak3. :d
Aah. Bende ni memang tak sesuai tuk main game. Tapi aku bantai je. Aku main game F.E.A.R. He3.
He3. Tu pasal aku beli. Nak lain dari yang lain. Orang lain takde, tapi kite ade. Muhahaha…
Jangan r puji lebih2. Segan saya… Hak3.
waaahh cung ler kibod tu :d
i have the same but black 😉