I’m using Sociable wordpress plugin and found out there is a bug with the submit entry link to StumbleUpon.
In sociable.php file, find line 305 to 308 and replace the line with this:
'StumbleUpon' => Array(
'favicon' => 'stumbleupon.png',
'url' => 'http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=PERMALINK&title=TITLE',
I have contact the author. Hopefully he will fix this issue in the next version. [tags]stumbleupon, stumble, plugin, wordpress plugin[/tags]
aman says
just register for the stumble upon account just now:d
CypherHackz says
ha3. i joined it last year.
Team Gempaq says
Hai…. tertanya2 kalau awak sudi buat link exchange dengan blog saya… btw saya dah add blog awak kat page saya…
CypherHackz says
added :d
Bob says
Thanks 🙂
Ruby @ AdviceandRants says
Thanks, you’ve really helped me a lot! I’m stumbling this
CypherHackz says
hey, thanks for stumbling it. :d
Rolando says
Thanks for it..
Markas says
Thanks a lot :)>-
Bosxs says
Join now is great
Thanks :d