Wa…tak tahu nape ngan server kat localhost aku ni. Die takleh nak run wordpress. Yang lain boleh r plak.
Ish3. Bile aku gi kat http://localhost/wordpress kuar error nih:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_post_keytags() in e:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\cypherwp_theme\index.php on line 218
Warning: mysql_affected_rows() [function.mysql-affected-rows]: A link to the server could not be established in e:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 155
Aku dah siap install balik dah server aku tu. Tapi masih gak jadi macam tu. Tak tahu nape. :((
Edit: Dah setel dah prob nih. Aku lupe activate plugin die. Tu pasal jadi macam nih. He3.
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.cypherhackz.net/?p=46
The following error was encountered:
We can not connect to the server you have requested.
This means that:
The server might be busy at this time.
The server is not reachable.
Please try later to see if you can go through.
hoho~~ terkejut aku.. ingatkan nape tadi..
oh ye… ko bleh tanya mende ni kat master sy41ful..
mungkin dia bleh bagik resolution.. aku nye pc mmg terang-terang takleh sebab aku guna network.. jadi, takleh nak test kat localhost.. terus je buat kat server.. erm..
bende nih dah fixed dah. prob nye sebab aku lupe nak activate plugin tuk function the_post_keytags() tu. he3.