I got an email this morning from Patrick. Now, Text Link Ads publishers can make more money by using their latest WordPress plugin.
This new plugin included with the new type of feature, Post Level Text Link Ads, where publishers can selling ads on individual posts. Here are some Post Level Text Link Ads FAQ from the email I received.
- You will still have editorial control for each link purchased if you have opted for editorial control for your regular Text Link Ads.
- Pricing is set automatically and is lower on a per link basis then typical homepage placed Text Link Ads.
- No extra coding work for you, we sync all of your posts automatically with our new WP plugin.
- If you regular Text Link Ads are sold out you will now have new inventory to sell.
I have earned some money with TLA. It is a simple way to earn money from your website. And with this new feature, I can earn more with it. So, why don’t you be like me, join TLA and earn a lot of money just from one website. [tags]text link ads, tla, money[/tags]
Booo hooo hooo..:(( they still dont want to accept my site for TLA
huh? have you email them?
Yala – I try to resubmit but the they have msg which says it will be reviewed every month. Meanwhile – cannot jalan
baru dapat emel pasal nie… ๐
[Comment ID #37802 Will Be Quoted Here]
maybe they are too busy. anyway, good luck buddy!
[Comment ID #37807 Will Be Quoted Here]
hu3. have you try it yet?
aku pun baru dapat e-mail pasal ni tp pasal bro dh post, simpan dalam draft jer lah. so far dh jual dua link but yang murah-murah jer. ๐
yang nie untuk account bertaraf publisher or refferral bro? ๐
[Comment ID #38042 Will Be Quoted Here]
hu3. i guess they send the email based on the user id number. btw why not just publish the post?
[Comment ID #38045 Will Be Quoted Here]
huh? publisher & referral. :d
huhuhu i’ve just signup on your referral links!
thank you! hope you will been accepted and can start earning money or maybe more money than me. :d
hmm.. insyallah..
p/s: tgh perlukan duit nih.. hehe :d/
duit? nak kahwin dah ke?
wakakaka takdelahh.. support duit ntuk online game. hehe