CypherHackz.Net was got hacked by a hacker from Arab Saudi. The hacker name himself as Body (search “Hacked by Body” in Google) and claimed that my site is vulnerable. He also leaved me a message to patch the site.
At the time the incident happens, I was in a seminar and suddenly I got a SMS from my someone. She said that one of my websites has been hacked. Then I asked her whether other websites got hacked and she replied, Yes. At that time, I really hope that the seminar ends as soon as possible.
The hacker probably gained the access from the security hole leaved by the unpatched WordPress scripts. Because I am busy and don’t have much time to online, I don’t aware that WordPress has released new updates to patch the security issues few days ago.
Although the problem has been fixed by my hosting provider, I still need to maintain and keep my websites are up to date with the latest WordPress version. If you don’t want your website be like mine, you better upgrade your WordPress now.
pity you.what the hacker will get from hacking ?
[Comment ID #64202 Will Be Quoted Here]
pride maybe?
huuu..sorry to hear that..anything lost/deleted?
allo bro, sry 4 hear to update WP?i huv other WP blog but i’m still blur..huhu..
That day I came, it was totally black and this site was flying an Arab Saudi.
At that time, I knew I must update my WordPress immediately! :)>-
Hacked by Body
Sounds like azly… somethin la..kinda act..haha..
Hacker wannabe thats all..
yes la… my blog also kena hack last month… from negara2 arab too… name hacker cannot remember la… siap pasang lagu arab lagi kat index page… keji… agaknye dorg tu tengah gila baru belajar hack kot…
script kiddies kot . biasa la diorang deface nak glamer + pride, apa lagi.
nak dapat populariti ar kot.. 🙁
dude…probably your name got a “hack” so your website be a target…:-?
anyway, i also going to update mine wordpress also, so far did not aware on this
yup maybe becoz of the name “cypherhackz” make that dude wanna hack your site…maybe a pride to hack a “hacked” site. :((
Luckily you manage to fixed it. If I’m not mistaken, Blogger also has the same problem recently. Did the hacker ask you for payment?
ouch !
At least he told you how to patch things up. Very scary though.
Great blog format,
Ouch ! Very scary stuff, at least he told you how to patch things up.
Great blog site format,
we have just had our website hacked by BODY we have 2 sites that he did o dear one was and but we have fixed the second one but will leve the first one to see if there is any traceable evidence.
hack = using of exploit
real-hack = way to smart guy who discover bugs and makes his own exploits ( an takes overs servers, not websites using mysql injection – LAME)
verry important to use this:
create a .htaccess file and add this inside
Options -Indexes
stops directory listing ( very important ), ppl can’t see all your plugins ( many hacks are done trough wordpress plugins – wich can have bugs to, so try update them every time you get noticed to do it ) and other personal stuff
some webmasters ( i can name them webmasters? i doubt ) store passwords (in .txt files ) into websites directory. – lame