I must wish my congratulations to all Firefox users because you guys are better patchers than other internet browser users.
Based on analysis by Secunia, 5.19 percent of all Firefox 2 users had missed security updates. 5.40 pecent for IE7. 9.61 percent for IE 6 users. And Opera was the most abandoned in security updates which is 11.96.
“People have to choose to use Firefox,” said Mike Cherry, an analyst with the Directions on Microsoft research firm.
Opera was the least to be patched because the updates is not done automatically instead you need to check the update by yourself by clicking on Help and Check for update. But for Firefox users, the updates are delivered via the browser itself. So, Firefox users are more secure and up to date.
More read at Techworld Computer & Internet Security News .
Firefox users are better patchers [via Techworld] [tags]firefox, opera, internet explorer[/tags]
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