Plugin Name: Easy Announcement
Version: 1.0
Plugin URI:
Description: An easy way to display announcement on your site without have to edit your theme file.
Author: Fauzi Mohd Darus
Author URI:
A useful plugin where you can display announcements on your site without editing your template each time you want to make new annoucement.
NOTE: This plugin does not tested yet with WP2
System32 says
A small capture may be good.
azmie says
i’ve tested in my wp…which is wp2…and there seems to be no problem…
cool plugin…:d
gie says
aku try testing plugin nie…baru balik ganu nie…adeh…demam ๐
Administrator says
[Comment ID #1470 Will Be Quoted Here]
Check out the demo on my site.
[Comment ID #1474 Will Be Quoted Here]
He3. Thanks! Nasib baik r takde problem.
[Comment ID #1484 Will Be Quoted Here]
Thanks! :d
Will says
Sadly it’s not working here. :((
I add this to index.php and the plugin is enabled and the folder and files are chmod 777 just like read me says:
So when viewing index.php source it just shows the comment and then a blank line. So nothing is read in. It looks like your using fopen which sadly, my host has disabled because its a secruity risk.
Anyway you could do a non fopen version?
ๅธ็ฝ็น says
I meet the same problem as Will.My webserver is Windows Server 2003,It disabled the fopen.I hope you make a version we can use.Thx for this cool plugin.
Administrator says
Thanks for the feedback. I will check back the code when I back home. Right now I kinda busy with my final exam. Wish me luck! :d
ronn says
saya gunakan plug-in anda. semuanya nampak ok, cuma bila refresh page ada kala teks hilang. mungkin anda lebih arif dalam soal ini dan dapat beri jalan untuk atasi hal kecil ini. :d
terima kasih daun keladi… hehehe…
Steven says
Hi Fairuz,
I have 2 questions:
1) How to make the the column in diff color compare to the background like yours?
2) How to randomly display diff link??
CypherHackz says
[Comment ID #12162 Will Be Quoted Here]
Thanks for your comment. To answer your first question, I just use CSS. You can learn more about CSS here.
#2, sorry but what do you mean? ๐
Pramudita says
Ko ga bisa muncul di blog-ku ya ? :((
Installed this plugin, but no announcement displayed at my blog :-w
kat says
followed directions but no announcement on my blog. My question is – do you know if it works with the New Zen theme automatically installed with WP?
fuad says
:d nice effort and plugin, but didnt work with my site.
CypherHackz says
[Comment ID #13280 Will Be Quoted Here]
[Comment ID #13888 Will Be Quoted Here]
it should appear on your site. i use the latest version of wordpress and it works fine.
[Comment ID #13507 Will Be Quoted Here]
im not sure. :d
marcus says
umm idk how to CHMOD
i use windows and idk wa to do this it just the plug in i need
please respond. i am using this on
ya so please help
CypherHackz says
to chmod, you need to login into your ftp and chmod the plugin folder and file to 666. ๐
Eches says
cool plugin! I’ve installed it in my blog but will do some tinkerings later. It works perfectly
CypherHackz says
good to hear that. :d
Steve says
Sorry mate, I’m having a slight problem.
I have the theme ‘burryy’ or something on the lines of that, and every time I enter the ‘
‘ thing in my theme index.php file, just above the header. It center’s everything, and everything should be aligned to the left. Any way I can sort this small problem out? I tried inserting it in the side bar, header, everywhere and it just does the same.
Any help appreciated, if so may you use my email to contact me back, if that’s okay, please?
Many thanks,
CypherHackz says
[Comment ID #12162 Will Be Quoted Here]
i’m just using css to decorate the theme. nothing special. ๐