Hands up for those who wants a melted keyboard? 1, 2, 3, … 6, 7, … 1003, 1004, … Wow, there are so many my readers want this melted keyboard. Lol… I’m just kidding. ;))
But this thing is true (from what I read). This keyboard is a victim of suspected arson in a lumber mill a couple years ago. Read the quote below.
This keyboard is a victim of suspected arson in a lumber mill a couple years ago. The keyboard itself was not on fire, and the underside of it is still in perfect shape…basically the heat of the fire above it melted all the plastic in interesting ways.
Cool!!! :d Go here if you want to see all the 32 pics. 🙂
Melted keyboard [via Gaya, Ruang dan Kepelbagaian]
how cool is this keyboARD?
coolest keyboard ever!!!!