Sometimes the website that we design looks good in browsers that we use. But do you know, some browsers does not support our design and will break the design layout. Because of that, we need to test it in multiple browsers. But how? is a website that give you free service to take screenshots on your website design in 9 different browsers.
- Dillo
- Epiphany
- Firefox 1.5
- Firefox 2.0
- Galeon
- Knqueror
- Mozilla
- Opera
- Safari
With the screenshots, you can see and edit your site theme to make the design looks perfectly in various browsers. It use
Here is my website screenshots taken while ago, CypherHackz.Net Screenshots. From the screennshots, it seems like I need to do something with the email subscription form. Need to edit it a little bit. Duh… #-o [tags]browser, screenshot, design, website[/tags]
wah..this is a realy good tool..a must use for a web developer.. :)>-:)
I have to admit that I really love this service, Its fantastic. But sometimes i do keep getting error screenshot, Hopefully, They’ll improve
[Comment ID #15871 Will Be Quoted Here]
sure. it is really useful. :)>-
[Comment ID #15878 Will Be Quoted Here]
yea dude. i use this service alot. he3.
wah ini sudah bagus .. thanx