These are cheques that I got from Text Link Ads . I got them last month and has deposited all of them. He3. Hopefully I will get the money this upcoming before Raya. So I can go for shopping to buy new clothes and some new stuffs.
Before this, I have deposited cheque for June earning and it took about a month for the cheque to be deposited into my account. For 25USD you will get aroung RM80 something. I’m not sure but around that number.
Text Link Ads is an easy way for you to earn money from your website or blog and it is my primary site earning sources. Second source is from Google AdSense. Now, Text Link Ads not only seel text link ads but it also offer FeedVertising . I have make an entry about this but that post got washed away because of the database problem before. And I’m waiting for anyone who want to buy link ads in my RSS.
Other interesting read:
Interested to join Text Link Ads? Just follow this link and submit your site for FREE!!!
Cypher: Can’t wait for the money. He3. [tags]text link ads, adsense, google, tla[/tags]
For USD usually you have to pay RM 40-60 for the cheque to clear and it’ll take 4-6 weeks, so good luck on getting anything after the fees and getting it before Raya…I really doubt!s
Bank in the cheques in Bank Muamalat, they will only charge RM5 for clearing the cheques.
when want to “blanja” me? :d
[Comment ID #14719 Will Be Quoted Here]
i really hope i will get the money before raya. :d
[Comment ID #14720 Will Be Quoted Here]
i deposited in BCB and it will transfer into my account. btw thanks for the options.
[Comment ID #14725 Will Be Quoted Here]
dunno yet. he3. let see if i can get more money than this.
I still don’t really get the concept of text link ads.. not in the mood of exploring yet..
but the checks looks nice lah… eager to learn soon \:d/
the concept is, advertisers will buy text link ads on publishers website. the more pr and traffic you have, the more higher the price will be.
wow..3 cheques? how much you will get huh?jeles!!!!!
around RM300 maybe. :d
MAN!!!! I need to make a cool site like U to get some cash dude!!…… wish me luck!! hehehe………
Hope some1 will feedvertise on this freaking cool site!!!………………\:d/
hey! sure buddy! and tell me your website url once you have setup it. 🙂
tla paid real well.. till i switch domain and they said the new site dun haf enuf traffic. so need to wait till they review my site again. blah!!!!!
i use paypal tho.. then bank into my aussie account
what was your domain name?