I have installed Rainlendar 2 on my dekstop but in this latest version, you are limited to edit the settings. Beside than that, the default skin, Shadow4 doesn’t include vertical dual calendar display which I used it before. So I have to edit the skin source code to make it display the calendar in vertical way.
Here are two screenshots taken from my desktop, the default dual calendar display and the edited one.
Image 1: Default Dual Calendar display
Image 2: Edited Dual Calendar display
If you want to use this vertical calendar, I have uploaded the edited Dual Calendar file. But first, there are some steps that you need to do:
Download this edited Dual Calendar file.
Go to your Rainlendar 2 skin folder. eg: [installation path]\rainlendar2\skins\
Open the Shadow4.r2skin with Winzip or Winrar and extract all files and folders contained in the archive file.
Now extract the edited Dual Calendar file into Shadow4\xml folder.
Click Ok when Windows ask for confirmation to replace existing file.
Don’t worry, I have included the backup file of the original Dual Calendar file in the zip archive.
Now go to your desktop, right click on Rainlendar and choose Refresh.
If you have anything that you want to ask, you can leave it in the comments form below. I hope my grammars are clear. Lol… :d [tags]rainlendar, calendar, software, tool[/tags]
Hey bro, Great! New rainlender. Sure download it later. BTW I access this from my room there’s no prob anymore.:d
yea. this is the latest version from the developer. betted download it now. :)>-