For those who want to buy hosting, I suggest you check out the link below. They offer 1Gb space for only RM80 (USD21) yearly with 20Gb bandwidth. It is worth to buy because all the things that you need come with one package.
1 GB of webspace
20 GB of monthly bandwidth
Cpanel RVSKIN with Multi-Languages (LINUX Platform Only)
PLESK 7.5 For Windows (Windows Platform Only)
Support Up to 15 Add-On Domain (Linux Platform Only)
Unlimited Subdomain
Unlimited Email Aliases
Unlimited MYSQL Databases
Unlimited MSSQL Databases (Windows Platform Only)
Unlimited MS Access Databases (Windows Platform Only)
All our features, and
All our guarantees
Hurry! Because they have only limited accounts for signup.
ikram_zidane says
hi.. lama tak datang sini.. tka tahu la benda2 macam ni… kalau murah tu mesti ade la sebab dia.. samada slow.. atau kurang quality +support… anyway..thanks sebab bagitahu..
Administrator says
Setakat ni semuanye ok la. Takde apa2 problem pun. Dorangnye support pun pantas je. Kalau tanya sikit, sekejap je dorang akan reply email korang.
nashrex says
x phm tul bab2 hosting ni.. huhu
Lisa says
sampai bila ni… nak gak la..
tp tak dlm masa terdekat ni…
harap2 benda ni lama sket promo dia…
Administrator says
[Comment ID #2424 Will Be Quoted Here]
Hu3. Ngan hosting la kite leh manage site kite secara keseluruhannye. Segalanye kite yang uruskan.
[Comment ID #2426 Will Be Quoted Here]
Tak sure sampai bile. Harap2 macam tu la. Leh la Lisa ada domain and hosting sendiri.
korokmu says
Aku rase dah lame promosi ni. Dah dua bulan lepas tak silap. Tak habis2 lagi ke? :d
CypherHackz says
Aku saja je trick tu. Kasi support hosting provider sendiri. Hik3. says
cube check kat
mahal tak?
CypherHackz says
Dah tengok dah site tu dulu. Memang murah. Beli la if awak nak tukar hosting.
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