Is it true lack of posting will decrease our website traffics? Some people say that they need to update their website everyday so the traffics will steady. Well, I can say it is 50% right and 50% it is wrong. Why?
It is true that your traffics will decrease if you don’t update your website. But this only applies to a new website. New website does not has many contents and only some of the contents win the top rank in Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Or maybe completely lost from the competition. If your website is new and you are so lazy to update your website, you need to focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You need to do a lot of research, implement what you found, and see how it is perform.
And it is wrong if your website is popular and well known by all people around the World (or at least people who looking for something in search engines). Some popular websites does not has new update for about a week or so but the traffics they got are stable. And even sometimes they get higher traffics. This is because many of the traffics coming from the search engines and from referral links. They have many contents and the website gets popular because of they win the keyword competition. Let say if someone search for “the grabber” a tool to download Rapidshare files (Rapidshare has changed the code so it does not work anymore), what do you expect from the result? See and find out yourself.
The main point that I want to share here is you need to know SEO. Learn it and implement it on your website. It is some sort of a little bit confusing at the first place but after you do a lot of reading, experiments, and it will be easier later on.
This is just my opinion. I am not an expert in driving traffics or SEO but I have some experiences and do observations among websites.
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David Leppard
TWO serving MI6 officers have allegedly leaked confidential information to a firm of private consultants with links to the
family of the president of Kazakhstan.
The consultants are said to have been commissioned to obtain the information at a time when the American justice department
was investigating allegations of bribes paid by American oil companies to **********, the Kazakh president, and his top
A 300-page report, said to have been prepared by the consultants, purports to summarise confidential MI6 files on political
and economic issues affecting the oil-rich state.
One MI6 officer is said to have divulged that MI6 was “closely observing” the role of Hurricane Hydrocarbons, a Canadian oil
company, and financial arrangements involving oilfields in Kazakhstan. A second MI6 officer is alleged to have revealed
information that the service held on Akezhan Kazhegeldin, the former Kazakh prime minister. The report also contains
information that it claims was given by Scotland Yard detectives.
The leaked document has been circulating in Washington for several months. Lawyers with knowledge of the case accept that the
authors of the report may have embellished details of their contacts with law enforcement officials on both sides of the
Yesterday a Whitehall security official said the report did not appear to match MI6’s own records. Arman Baisuanov, a
counsellor at the Kazakhstan embassy in London, denied that his government had been involved in any inappropriate or illegal
********** is chairman of the Commons foreign affairs committee which is responsible to parliament for overseeing the affairs
of MI6. He said he was alarmed at suggestions that serving British intelligence officers might have leaked information that
could have found its way into the hands of people whom the agency was monitoring.
“If true, these allegations raise very serious concerns and I expect the government to investigate them,” he said.
The Sunday Times has seen a copy of a report by Global Options Management, a firm of private security consultants with
offices in Washington and, previously, in London.
The company is chaired by **********, who is an economic adviser to the Kazakhstan government and a director of the country’s
sovereign wealth fund. Political opponents of the Kazakh regime claim that ********** is ********** “point man” in Washington
and that he helps to manage some of the Kazakh leader’s wealth.
********** last week declined to comment. **********, his spokesman, said: “********** is a respected business consultant
based in the United States who rigorously abides by the laws and regulations of any country in which he operates.”
Privately, aides said ********** was “aware” of a report. But, shown a copy of the relevant extracts of the report, they
declined to comment publicly.
********** has admitted in the past that he has had dealings with **********, the president’s daughter who is an opera
singer. But he denies that his firm had been hired by her to compile the document.
**********, the president’s former son-in-law, has claimed that ********** has diverted billions of dollars in state assets
and has long taken commissions from foreign companies doing business in Kazakhstan.
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