Yeah, hurry up and make the review now. You will get the chance to put your link on my sitewide header for two months for free. I know you guys love free things. So do I. :d
If you want to participate my CypherHackz Review Me contest, you must write a review about my site honestly. You can critic, you can praise, and you can write whatever you want as long as you honest with the writing.
But, make sure to read the rules carefully. In the review, you must put my homepage url, the contest page link and any one of my posts. Next, what you need to do is to email me about the review article. So I can read the review you wrote.
I know I also will get noticed from the trackback you sent but just want to let you know that Akismet plugin is really so powerful. It sometime traps good trackbacks or comments too. So it is much safer if you email me directly.
The contest will end this 30th June 2007 and I will announce the five winners on 1st July. If you want to get free linkback from PR5 website with almost a thousand unique visitors per day, write the review now. 🙂
pluginbaby says
we have not much time la dude
CypherHackz says
erks! okies! satgi balik umah aku edit. ngeh3.