My WordPress xmlrpc.php file been blocked by my hosting due to some security issues. And because of that, incoming trackbacks will get 403 forbidden error. Thats why even you have linked back to my posts, there will no trackbacks appear in the comments.
To fix the problem, Techgurls had make a post about how to unblock xmlrpc.php from your website hosting. Just put this into your .htacess file and upload it in your root.
<Files xmlrpc.php>
SecFilterInheritance Off
Let see how many trackbacks I will get after I upload the .htaccess file. :p
i will try this trick… anyways, thks for the information
no problem. i’m glad that you found this post. 🙂
New servers:
New Proxy Servers: unblock / unlock MySpace Bebo Hi5 GMail and Yahoo from school, anonymous browser with privacy protection – hide real IP ! Enjoy
none of yall’s proxies worked for me, at myspace at school, plz find some more, ive tried and tried, plz email me back
Just wanted to say thanks for the help. It worked a treat and I’ve got my client back on my side again!!!!!
Beanbag :)>-:d
Very Funnnn:d/:x/:)/:)
well none of these websites work b/c this school is blocked tighter then Fort Knoxs.
What websites?
It’s ipmretaive that more people make this exact point.
i ned 2 get on myspace and bebo and vampire freaks but like… the blocks are SUPER GAAAYYY
i need new proxy sites that actually come up with the right results …pwweeezzee