Ha3. Know what? I got my first AdSense check today. Kinda happy. About one year (that link was posted in Malay) I’m waiting to get this check. Lol… How lame… My blog will be one year old this coming 19th December and I guess this check is a gift from Google. :d
I took some pics of my adsense check but couldn’t transfer them to my comp because I didn’t bring my phone camera cable with me. Duh…
It is not really hard to make money from adsense. If your site has good traffics, you can earn the money easily. Btw my site is not really high in traffics. That’s why I waited about a year just want to hold this check. ๐
Beside than AdSense, I had join other site monetizing such as Text Link Ads and AdBrite. Currently Text Link Ads is my primary online money incomes. :d[tags]adsense, check, cheque, money[/tags]
that’s cooll.. i’m going to reiceve my adsense soon too
good man… congrats to you! \:d/
your site has not enough traffic?
hahaha..banyak la hang..sehari beribu orang masuk tuh.. \:d/
bila la google nak update pagerank nih..huhu..
Congratz! May I know how much is your first cheque and when is the cheque sent by Google? Mine is still on the way. :d
congrats gak utk hang cypher. \:d/
aku nyer lambat lagi..ehehe..baru nak belajar2 nie.
brape hang dapat?
Congrats man … Hope i receive mine soon .
congratz…hehe..kongsi2 la ngan kami..berape hang dpat…\:d/
he3. i ony got around $120 only. not really much right. /:)
Congratz ๐
i am also using adsense on my blog ,CTR is good but CPC is very low, sometimes as low as 1 cent. And textlinkads rejected by blog because of lack of traffic. My blog is just 3 months old. 8-|
i will reapply in few months. ๐
congrats bro. adsense paid those who work hard. :d
what is the tax id when i try to register adbrite???what tax id do u use?
I’ve had enough of being overly noble for my site and started making my ads more prominent… should be getting mine in a few months ๐
Just got my 4th Adsense (12th overall) this month. BTW, I’m curious to know the amount :d
ok la tu brader..boley buat setup blog baru…hehe
[Comment ID #15517 Will Be Quoted Here]
tla is good if you have high pr. hope you be accepted by them. good luck! ๐
[Comment ID #15532 Will Be Quoted Here]
yea lol. he3.
[Comment ID #15557 Will Be Quoted Here]
for tax id i just put my mykad number. ๐
[Comment ID #15564 Will Be Quoted Here]
good luck bro! :d
[Comment ID #15573 Will Be Quoted Here]
about $120 something. lol… congrats! i will get my 2nd check in this month.
[Comment ID #15585 Will Be Quoted Here]
eleh…kau nyer lagi banyak… huh! :d
Congratulations. Many AdSense publishers fall by the wayside before they ever get to the magical $100 mark. Remember that slow and steady wins the race – don’t be tempted to go looking for clicks now.