Kali Linux (or Kali) is a penetration testing distro created by the developers of BackTrack. Although it is a pentest distro, but Kali does not include with Nessus. So to use Nessus, I have to install it manually.
For more info about Kali, you can refer to their website here: http://www.kali.org/
1. Download Nessus – Go to Tenable website and download Nessus software. Choose Linux, Debian 32-bit or Debian 64-bit.
2. Install Nessus – Once the download is finished, run this command to install Nessus. I’m using 64-bit so my installation file is Nessus-x.x.x-debian6_amd64.deb, where ‘x’ is the version number.
dpkg -i Nessus-x.x.X-debian6_amd64.deb
3. Run Nessus service – Next, I run Nessus service by typing this command in the Terminal.
/etc/init.d/nessusd start
4. Navigate to Nessus page – Open Iceweasel (Kali’s default web browser) and go to this address, https://kali:8834. Must use HTTPS connection.
5. Initial Account Setup – Next, I create an admin user for Nessus. This user will have full control on Nessus.